Wednesday 23 August 2017

Definição Do Modelo Médio Móvel

O Digest de qualidade é o modo como os nossos leitores definem a qualidade. (Nota: essas definições são diretas do nosso banco de dados e não foram editadas.) A própria qualidade foi definida como fundamentalmente relacional: a qualidade é o processo contínuo de construção e manutenção de relacionamentos, avaliando, antecipando e cumprindo as necessidades declaradas e implícitas. Mesmo aquelas definições de qualidade que não são expressamente relacionais têm um caráter relacional implícito. Por que tentamos fazer o certo certo, a tempo, sempre para construir e manter relacionamentos. Por que buscamos zero defeitos e conformidade com os requisitos (ou sua contraparte moderna, seis sigma) Para construir e sustentar relacionamentos. Por que buscamos estruturar recursos ou características de um produto ou serviço que tenham sua capacidade de satisfazer as necessidades declaradas e implícitas (ANSIASQC.) Construir e sustentar relacionamentos. O foco da melhoria contínua é, também, a construção e sustentação de relacionamentos. Seria difícil encontrar uma definição realista de qualidade que não tivesse, implícita dentro da definição, um foco fundamental ou implícito de construção e sustentação de relacionamentos. - de Winder, Richard E. e Judd, Daniel K. 1996, ORIENTAÇÃO ORGANIZACIONAL: Vinculando Deming, Covey e Senge em um Modelo Integrado de Qualidade de Cinco Dimensões, nas ASQC Seventh National Quality Management Conference Transactions. Sociedade Americana de Qualidade. A qualidade é a percepção dos clientes sobre o valor da produção de trabalho dos fornecedores. Você não pode separar o processo e o fator humano, portanto acredito que a Qualidade, quando incorporada em um produto, gera emoções e sentimentos dentro daqueles que participaram da sua criação. Quando você fez algo com que se orgulha, quando produziu um produto que traz sorrisos para seus clientes, você conseguiu qualidade. Você saberá, eles saberão, e cada um deles prosperará com isso. Sem erros, cuidados e serviços de valor agregado que atende e exceda tanto as necessidades quanto as expectativas legítimas dos atendidos, bem como as do Centro Médico. A palavra Qualidade representa as propriedades de produtos e / ou serviços que são valorizados pelo consumidor. A qualidade é uma percepção momentânea que ocorre quando algo em nosso ambiente interage com a gente, na consciência pré-intelectual que vem antes que o pensamento racional assume e começa a estabelecer a ordem. O julgamento da ordem resultante é então relatado como bom ou mau valor de qualidade. Nós, da Navy Medicine, definimos qualidade como: entregar produtos e serviços aos nossos clientes, que são mais rápidos, melhores, mais baratos e mais novos. Existem dois tipos definitivos de qualidade. Qualidade do design Qualidade do processo Se você está em fabricação discreta, fabricação de processos ou um setor relacionado ao serviço, você possui problemas de design de usabilidade, conforto e tolerância de durabilidade além de prescrever o uso ea identidade do status de qualidade do projeto. A este respeito, você não tem o axioma da variação é inerente. A capacidade de viver de acordo com a qualidade do design é mantida pela qualidade do processo. Minha definição de qualidade está longe do conceito tradicional de qualidade. Minha definição de qualidade é: Reduzir a variação em torno do alvo. Isso significa que é muito básico que os limites do processo estejam dentro dos limites da especificação e a média do processo é muito próxima do alvo. Eu acho que o conceito de qualidade deve ser APÓS a condição acima. Se for assim, esforçar-se deve reduzir a variação do processo, mantendo a média do processo próximo ao alvo. Todas as suas ações visando a tradução, transformação e realização das expectativas dos clientes. Convertendo-os em requisitos, qualitativa e quantitativa e medindo o desempenho do seu processo durante e após a realização dessas expectativas e requisitos. A qualidade está fazendo as coisas certas corretas e é definida exclusivamente por cada indivíduo. Um produto ou processo que é confiável, e que desempenha a função pretendida é dito ser um produto de qualidade. O grau em que algo atende ou excede as expectativas de seus consumidores. Conformidade com os Requisitos válidos quando válido, os requisitos devem ser comprovados (antecipadamente pela administração) para: 1) ser realizável em operação 2) atender às necessidades do usuário pretendido tornando esta uma definição universal, operacional e fácil de usar Pela qualidade de todos os resultados de qualquer atividade ou processo de trabalho. A definição depende da finalidade e para quem você está falando: se você conversar por seus clientes, é o que sempre diz, o que ele espera do produto ou serviço. Se você conversar com sua empresa, com seu povo, então eu sigo o modelo Kano. Há três partes de Qualidade: 1. O Básico P. O que absolutamente deve ser. Se os clientes não estão satisfeitos. 2. O Cliente esperava que Q. atinja tudo e o cliente esteja satisfeito. O Seis Sigma ajuda a fazer isso. 3. O excitante Q. O cliente não sabe que existe, é possível. Isso se torna a expectativa de amanhã. Este é o nosso slogan e a nossa política. A qualidade é satisfazer as necessidades sempre em mudança de nossos clientes, fornecedores e funcionários, com produtos e serviços de valor agregado enfatizando um compromisso contínuo com a satisfação através de um processo contínuo de educação, comunicação, avaliação e melhoria constante. A qualidade é atender às necessidades dos clientes de forma a superar as expectativas dos clientes. A qualidade não é nada mais ou menos do que a percepção que o cliente tem de você, seus produtos e seus serviços. Definição de qualidade: WOW RACIONAL: Suponha que você estivesse com a sua alma gêmea, outra esposa, etc., e depois de um relacionamento que a pessoa olhou ansiosamente para Seus olhos e disse que cumpria os requisitos ou não havia defeitos lá ou que tinha todo o valor que queria ou o grau de excelência era aceitável. Você não preferiria que essa pessoa olhasse seus olhos e dissesse FUGA DE WOW: Eu queria poder lembrar a frase específica do artigo do livro, mas ao longo dos anos essa foi minha abordagem para a questão complicada de como definir a qualidade. A qualidade é a medida em que produtos, serviços, processos e relacionamentos estão livres de defeitos, restrições e itens que não agregam valor aos clientes. A minha definição de qualidade está incluída no nosso livro intitulado Gestão Estratégica da Qualidade: uma abordagem estratégica e de sistemas de melhoria contínua, publicada pela Dame Publishing Company, uma divisão da Southwestern Publishing Company. Limpo, preciso e sem defeito A qualidade é um grau de excelência percebido com um mínimo geralmente estabelecido pelo cliente. Qualidade - A produção de uma mercadoria que está em conformidade com os padrões aplicados à referida mercadoria, sejam eles padrões mecânicos, padrões societys, etc. Quando o cliente retorna e o produto não. Quando algo é o que você espera que seja, é percebido como qualidade. Assim, a qualidade é um cumprimento da expectativa. DFN para a Qualidade de Hoje: (Aplica-se a todos os bens e serviços) Maximização do Valor Percebido Cumprimento das Expectativas Tangíveis e Intangíveis (Atendimento ao Serviço ao Cliente) Atribuições Divididas por Custo A qualidade é a expressão da excelência humana. Eu vim com este conceito no AQC em 1986. Usamos ocasionalmente como um lema para a antiga Divisão de Recursos Humanos de qualidade é. Faça o que você precisa fazer quando tiver que fazê-lo bem feito para satisfazer as necessidades do seu cliente e fazer o seu produto ou serviço fazer o que eles supõem fazer. A qualidade é a capacidade de um produto ou serviço atender às expectativas dos clientes em relação a esse produto ou serviço. ENCONTRA TODAS AS EXPECTATIVAS AO CLIENTE A distribuição fabricada de um serviço de produtos que fornece valor tangível (qualidade de serviço de produtos, baixo custo) e intangível (satisfação do cliente) ao cliente interno e externo. Todas as ações planejadas e sistêmicas necessárias para garantir a confiança de que um produto ou serviço satisfará determinados requisitos. Nunca mais ter que dizer que está arrependido. Conformidade consistente com as expectativas dos clientes Existem duas formas de qualidade e, portanto, duas definições e duas formas de medição. 1. OBJETIVO a qualidade é o grau de conformidade de um processo ou seu resultado com um conjunto pré-determinado de critérios, que são presumidos essenciais ao valor final que fornece. Exemplo: formulação adequada de uma medicação. 2. A qualidade SUBJETIVA é o nível de valor percebido relatado pela pessoa que se beneficia de um processo ou seu resultado. Pode subsumir várias medidas de qualidade intermediária, objetivas e subjetivas. Exemplo: alívio da dor fornecido por um medicamento. Satisfaça ou exceda as expectativas dos clientes com o menor custo possível. A qualidade é alcançar as necessidades do consumidor a baixas taxas (custos) para a empresa e alcançar a satisfação dos funcionários. A qualidade é uma percepção em constante evolução pelo cliente do valor fornecido por um produto. Não é uma percepção estática que nunca muda, mas um processo fluido que muda à medida que um produto amadurece (inovação) e outras alternativas (concorrência) são disponibilizados como base de comparação. Assim como o Modelo T já foi considerado como um produto de qualidade, segundo os padrões de hoje, o consumidor percebeu que já não era adequado para uso como item de propósito geral. O produto (um carro) evoluiu para algo além do Modelo T, tanto por causa da inovação quanto pela satisfação da demanda do cliente. Crosby, Deming, Juran nos fornecem uma base. Drucker, então, baseia-se na base para se referir a produtos que um mercado aceita como valor e está disposto a pagar por isso. Para o departamento de qualidade responsável pelo teste, a qualidade do produto (valor) é a conscientização de defeitos e a obtenção de soluções ou soluções alternativas para clientes. Para a empresa que produz o produto, a qualidade (valor) é medida pelo lucro, oportunidades previstas e satisfação do cliente. Para as empresas que compram o produto, a qualidade (valor) é facilidade de uso, desempenho e solução do problema comercial. Toda definição tem furos aparentes nela, como Scott Paton geralmente aponta, mas a linha inferior é: uma vez que um cliente comprou seu produto, você recebe relatórios de retorno de negócios ou eles olham para outro lugar. Obter clientes é mais fácil do que mantê-los. Minha definição começa com Demings: a variação é o inimigo da qualidade (e eu acrescento) A uniformidade é o inimigo do conhecimento. Dado o status atual vis a vis expectativas este casal nos fornece um senso de direção. Minha definição apareceu em Last Word na sua edição de outubro. Essencialmente, ele se resumiu a Atenção aos detalhes, tenho vindo a colecionar definições por algum tempo: a qualidade não é mente nem matéria, mas uma terceira entidade independente dos dois, mesmo que a qualidade não possa ser definida, você sabe o que é. (Persig, 1974) A qualidade é a aptidão para uso. (Juran, 1974) Qualidade significa conformidade com os requisitos. (Crosby, 1979) A qualidade é um sistema de meios para produzir produtos ou serviços economicamente que satisfaçam os requisitos dos clientes. (Japanese Industrial Standards Committee, 1981) A qualidade refere-se às quantidades dos atributos não cotados contidos em cada unidade do atributo de preço. (Leffler, 1982) A qualidade significa melhor para certas condições. (A) o uso real e (b) o preço de venda. (Feigenbaum, 1983) A qualidade significa que a cultura das organizações é definida e apoia a consecução constante da satisfação do cliente através de um sistema integrado de ferramentas, técnicas e treinamento. (Sashkin amp Kiser, 1993) A qualidade é o trabalho 1. Qualidade, é um modo de vida. A qualidade é nosso produto mais importante. A qualidade é um grau de excelência. (Webster) A qualidade é a totalidade dos recursos e características de um produto ou serviço que tem sua capacidade de satisfazer determinadas necessidades. (American Society for Quality) Qualidade, uma característica inerente ou distintiva, um grau ou grau de excelência. (American Heritage Dictionary, 1996) Todos os aspectos de um produto (um bem ou um serviço) que tem sua capacidade de satisfazer a aptidão para uso, segurança e eficácia. Esta é a regulamentação do dispositivo médico da FDA em termos de qualidade - e muito boa nisso, desde que a habilidade de uso de Jurans também seja definida e a nota da palavra seja definida por perto para evitar que a excelência seja usada como uma definição de qualidade, e. Holiday Inn é um grau inferior, mas não necessariamente menor qualidade do que Hyatt Hotel. Precisamos eliminar as definições de qualidade que incorrem acidentalmente na noção de grau ou excelência, uma vez que essas podem ser propositadamente definidas em um nível reduzido para vantagens de preços sem prejudicar a qualidade (por exemplo, Honda Accord EX versus LX). Que devemos obter o produto certo no lugar certo no momento certo, enquanto excedemos as expectativas dos nossos clientes. A Shorewood Packaging é uma empresa dedicada a fornecer produtos e serviços de embalagem de alta qualidade e rentável que satisfaçam os requisitos do cliente em tempo hábil, ao mesmo tempo em que alcançamos nosso objetivo de lucro, crescimento e liderança em mercados selecionados. A liderança em qualidade só pode ser realizada através de melhorias contínuas e através da participação ativa de todos os funcionários. A QUALIDADE É A RESPONSABILIDADE DOS TODOS Trabalhando sem aborrecimentos. A qualidade é discreta atendendo às necessidades do cliente. A qualidade significa oferecer ao cliente produtos ou serviços inovadores, características e defeitos que proporcionam aptidão para uso. Fitness para uso que eu acredito é realmente uma das definições do Dr. Jurans. Embora seja simples em palavras, as sutilezas e as nuances do seu significado são bastante profundas. Por exemplo, uma caixa de gelo bem feita na virada deste século (ou seja, 1900) foi uma invenção excitante, mas a refrigeração foi mais adequada para uso. No entanto, se o refrigerador moderno não puder manter a temperatura adequada, não é qualidade, porque não é adequado para o uso que pretendia. Dito isto, trabalho no governo, especificamente uma agência reguladora ambiental dependente de informações altamente técnicas e científicas. Muitos se recusam a acreditar que a qualidade, por definição de qualquer pessoa, não se encaixa com o funcionamento do governo. Acredito que, até o momento, o governo continuará a perder o respeito pelas pessoas. Tendo inúmeros clientes em várias indústrias diferentes, a Qualidade pode significar coisas diferentes para cada Cliente. Para satisfazer todos os requisitos de qualidade de cada cliente, ele simplesmente se resume à Conformidade com os Requisitos especificados pelo Cliente. Excedendo as expectativas dos produtos ou serviços dos clientes, deliciando-os. A qualidade é alcançada ao atender ou exceder as diretrizes de processo estabelecidas, de modo que, independentemente do tipo de indústria, um resultado consistente possa ser previsto. Qualidade é a conformidade com o amplificador de requisitos especificado nunca é um acidente A qualidade vai além das expectativas do cliente. Normalmente, os clientes definem as expectativas ou os requisitos com base no que sabem sobre o produto ou o serviço e eles não levam em consideração o que eles não sabem sobre isso (o erro que não existe não pode ser desperdiçado deve ser parte dos requisitos). Qualidade hoje é um alvo em movimento porque pedimos novos requisitos quando algo der errado e isso é errado. O que não faz parte do produto ou serviço, deve ser levado em consideração quando a Qualidade for definida. Eu tenho que acompanhar Philip Crosby na definição da qualidade como conformidade com os requisitos. Como cliente, existem certas coisas (requisitos) que você espera em um produto ou serviço. Quando essas coisas não estão lá, o cliente não está satisfeito e infeliz. Websters definição de qualidade como o grau de excelência que uma coisa possui é vago. A excelência é outro termo que é difícil de definir. Meu chefe gosta de mergulhar. Recentemente, ele mergulhou profundamente na costa do México. Ele também gosta de colecionar relógios. Ele comprou um relógio de mergulho Rolex caro. Com uma certa profundidade, vazou e foi inútil. Ele teve que ressurgir e voltar a usar o Timex antigo que se considerava consideravelmente menos excelente ou de qualidade. Se o produto ou serviço fizer o que o fornecedor diz que fará e o que o cliente quer que ele faça, então é um produto ou serviço de qualidade. Isso atende aos requisitos da reunião. Obrigado pela oportunidade de compartilhar meus pensamentos sobre este assunto sempre. Estou ansioso para ler os resultados. Melhor valor para o dinheiro Nossos clientes e a concorrência definem nosso status de qualidade. Quando podemos manter e adquirir novos negócios de clientes, isso mostra uma imagem geral do nosso bem com a qualidade dos nossos produtos. Comentários amp. Reclamações de clientes são o sistema de medição. Melhorar continuamente as nossas práticas nos ajuda a manter a concorrência. A qualidade está nos olhos do observador. E em um ambiente de negócios, o observador é sempre o cliente ou o cliente. Em outras palavras, a qualidade é o que o cliente diz que é. Minha definição de qualidade é uma produção satisfatória para o cliente e um lucro para o fabricante. Controle de qualidade é todo o meio pelo qual a freqüência de defeitos é reduzida. Inclui planejamento de qualidade, medição de qualidade e análise de qualidade. Um produto ou serviço que supera todos os requisitos e se esforça para além das expectativas. A QUALIDADE ESTÁ REUNINDO OS REQUISITOS DO CLIENTE A CUSTOS MAIS BAIXOS COM AS AÇÕES PREVENTIVAS CONSTRUÍDAS NO PROCESSO E A PARTICIPAÇÃO DO EMPREGAMENTO, GARANTIR O MELHOR PRODUTO AO USUÁRIO DO CLIENTE COM ENTREGA JIT. A qualidade simplesmente significa entregar ao cliente o que eles esperavam. Assim, por exemplo, se um produto: - tem as características de configuração corretas, - faz o que é suposto fazer, - é entregue no tempo, e - é bem suportado, então. É um produto de qualidade 2. Fazendo a coisa certa direito, toda vez que da primeira vez. 3. Trabalhando de acordo com cinco elementos: a. Liderança de qualidade b. O cliente está no centro c. Responsabilidade pessoal d. Melhoria do amplificador de medição As características inerentes possuídas por um produto ou serviço. Qualidade, como a verdade está na mente do crente. Definir é entender mal as possibilidades infinitas que somos capazes de alcançar. Não existe uma definição universal. Robert Pirsig ficou louco tentando defini-lo em seu famoso livro Zen e na Arte da Manutenção de Motociclos. Sempre haverá pensadores baseados em regras que tentarão regular e processar o resto de nós que sabem que não existe uma resposta correta, apenas aquilo que funciona para cada um de nós. A qualidade está sendo: a qualidade é uma percepção do valor recebido pelo preço pago pelos atributos de um produto ou serviço por estar relacionado ao seu ajuste, forma ou função. Um grau de excelência. A capacidade de uma empresa para identificar os requisitos de seus clientes, em seguida, atender ou exceder suas expectativas para o benefício mútuo e satisfação de ambas as organizações. A qualidade está fazendo as coisas certas. É a orientação ao cliente, a inovação, o trabalho em equipe e a responsabilidade de todos. A qualidade é um sistema que produz um produto, serviço, informação ou entrega, no alvo com variação mínima que atende ou exceda as necessidades dos clientes, agora e no futuro. A razão pela qual Deming (e milhares de outros) dança em torno de uma definição de qualidade é que a qualidade não pode ser definida em princípio. 1. A qualidade não tem essência. Para entender a implicação deste ponto, pergunte a si mesmo: por que seria estranho realizar uma pesquisa sobre o significado da palavra bacharel. A resposta é que a essência da palavra bacharel, ou seja, um homem ainda não casado, está totalmente contido no palavra. A qualidade não contém essa essência. Uma definição de dicionário, como o grau de excelência que uma coisa possui implica uma série de outras questões. 2. A qualidade é abstrata. Pensadores e escritores têm tentado abordar grandes palavras abstratas como conhecimento e beleza para milhares de palavras. Por que a qualidade deve ser aberta a uma definição absoluta de uma maneira que outras palavras abstratas não são 3. A distinção entre qualidade e quantidade tornou-se desfocada. Nós distinguimos uma vez a quantidade, aquilo que poderia ser medido e a qualidade, o que só poderia ser julgado. Agora, a qualidade, no que diz respeito à indústria da qualidade, é tudo sobre a medição. Então, qual a palavra que temos para o que não pode ser medido. A idéia de simplesmente julgar a qualidade desapareceu. O resultado dessa incapacidade de definir a qualidade é que a maioria das definições terão uma semelhança entre si, mas nenhuma delas será a definição THE. Em face dessa barreira, o que as organizações devem fazer Em vez de lutar infrutíferamente com uma definição, eles seriam melhores simplesmente identificando o que eles queriam que o mundo pareça uma vez que a qualidade é melhor, p. A proporção de defeitos para as oportunidades será melhorada, os clientes irão voltar e dizer, não divulgados, quanto valoriam o produto ou o serviço. O objetivo não é definir a qualidade, mas a produzir. E podemos produzi-lo mesmo sem uma definição 1. A qualidade é a variabilidade. Shewart 2. A qualidade é previsibilidade. Deming 3. A qualidade é uma conformidade com 4. A qualidade é uma aptidão para uso. Juran 5. A qualidade é a opinião dos clientes. Para referências, ligue-me (703) 360-9134. A qualidade é satisfação completa (Desempenho, Aparência amp Longevidade) ao menor custo possível. Na Crescent Drilling amp Production, Inc., definimos a Qualidade como a busca da excelência. Para sempre alcançar um objetivo maior. A qualidade é a excelência do desempenho, conforme visto por todas as partes interessadas. Esta é uma definição influenciada por Baldrige e tem profundas implicações. Sabemos que o atendimento às necessidades dos usuários finais em relação aos concorrentes é bom, mas não o suficiente. Devemos também atender às necessidades da sociedade, do produtor, do proprietário e do fornecedor. Além disso, essas necessidades refletem o futuro e as necessidades atuais. Nosso mundo menor exige essa visão de sistema da qualidade. A qualidade é atender às expectativas dos clientes. Seu nível de qualidade mostra o fosso entre sua empresa e seus sonhos. Mais perto você sabe melhor o significado. A qualidade é atender às necessidades declaradas e implícitas do cliente. - É por qualidade que um cliente pode ser satisfeito, encantado e ser retido em benefício mútuo. - O rosto é o índice da mente. A qualidade é o índice de um produto ou serviço. - A qualidade não é algo extraordinário. É algo comum extraordinariamente bom. . Quando quem volta é o cliente, não o produto. La bonne rponse une demande Uma boa resposta para uma demanda Fornecer recursos de produtos e serviços que estão livres de deficiências que criem valor para seus clientes e partes interessadas. Eu gosto da antiga definição padrão de qualidade: a qualidade está cumprindo ou excedendo as expectativas dos seus clientes. Minha definição simples me acompanha, não importa onde eu esteja, trabalho, lar, prazer, etc. Se você realmente pensa sobre o que acontece na sua vida, isso funciona. Redução na variação. A definição de qualidade de clientes é a única que conta. A totalidade das características e características de um produto ou serviço que tem sua capacidade de satisfazer determinadas necessidades. A QUALIDADE NÃO É REALIZADA FAZENDO COISAS DIFERENTES. É ACABADO FAZENDO COISAS DIFERENTE. Quality Digest Durante 35 anos, o Quality Digest foi a fonte principal para todas as coisas de qualidade. Com mais de 30.000 assinantes optados, nosso boletim informativo, Quality Digest Daily, compartilha comentários de especialistas e recursos relevantes da indústria para ajudar nossos leitores na busca de melhoria contínua. Nosso site inclui todas as colunas e artigos do boletim de notícias desde maio de 2009, bem como as questões de volta da revista Quality Digest até agosto de 1995. Estamos empenhados em promover uma visão em que a qualidade não é um nicho, mas uma parte integrante de todas as fases da fabricação e Serviços. 05 de agosto de 2012 Thomas Willis Se você já se dirigiu com uma bússola na floresta, navegou um barco ou voou uma aeronave, você já sabe que cada movimento planejado e feito é baseado no Norte magnético. Visualize a navegação da bússola sem o Norte magnético. Não é possível Provavelmente não. Imagine navegar em direção a uma saída de processo sem referência a requisitos - especificamente requisitos do cliente. Não é possível Provavelmente não. Se pudermos concordar em navegar em conformidade com Requisitos como nosso destino, como indivíduos e como organizações, devemos primeiro definir a Qualidade como Conformidade com os Requisitos. Para alcançar esse destino, temos que medir-nos, nossos processos de organização e os resultados desses processos de forma contínua - e, em seguida, fazer correções de curso, se necessário, com base em fatos para manter o curso ao longo do caminho. Dados para Profissões não cobertas em detalhe Desenvolver, apresentar Ou promulgar leis e estatutos no nível local, tribal, estadual ou federal. Inclui apenas trabalhadores em cargos eleitos. Emprego em 2014: 58.300 maio 2015 salário anual médio: 20.500 Mudança de emprego projetada, 201424: Número de novos empregos: -400 Taxa de crescimento: -1 por cento (pouca ou nenhuma mudança) Educação e treinamento: educação de nível típico: licenciatura experiência de trabalho Em uma ocupação relacionada: Menos de 5 anos Treinamento típico no local de trabalho: Nenhum ONET: 11-1031.00 - Legisladores Gerentes de transporte, armazenamento e distribuição Planejar, direcionar ou coordenar atividades de transporte, armazenamento ou distribuição de acordo com as políticas organizacionais E as leis ou regulamentos governamentais aplicáveis. Inclui gestores de logística. Administradores de educação, todos os outros administradores de Educação total não são listados separadamente. Postmasters e superintendentes de correio Planejar, direcionar ou coordenar serviços operacionais, administrativos, de gerenciamento e de apoio de uma agência postal ou coordenar atividades de trabalhadores envolvidos em trabalho postal e relacionado em correios designados. Emprego 2014: 17.300 maio 2015 salário médio anual: 70.640 Variação prevista do emprego, 201424: Número de novos empregos: -4.600 Taxa de crescimento: -26 por cento (Declínio) Educação e formação: Educação de entrada típica: Diploma do ensino médio ou equivalente Experiência profissional Em uma ocupação relacionada: Menos de 5 anos Treinamento típico no local de trabalho: Treinamento on-the-job de duração moderada ONET: 11-9131.00 - Postmasters e Superintendentes de Correios Todos os gerentes não estão listados separadamente. Agentes e gerentes de negócios de artistas, artistas e atletas. Representam e promovem artistas, artistas e atletas nas relações com empregadores atuais ou potenciais. Pode lidar com a negociação de contratos e outros assuntos de negócios para clientes. Examine, avalie e investigue a elegibilidade ou conformidade com as leis e regulamentos que regem a conformidade dos contratos de licenças e licenças e realize outras atividades de inspeção e análise de conformidade e fiscalização não classificadas em outros lugares. Exclui Examinadores Financeiros (13-2061), Examinadores Fiscais e Cobradores e Agentes de Receita (13-2081), Especialistas em Saúde e Segurança no Trabalho (29-9011), Técnicos de Segurança e Saúde Ocupacional (29-9012), Agentes de Segurança de Transporte (33 -9093), Inspetores Agrícolas (45-2011), Inspetores de Construção e Construção (47-4011) e Inspetores de Transportes (53-6051). Recrute e contrata trabalhadores agrícolas temporários ou temporários. Pode transportar, abrigar e fornecer refeições para os trabalhadores. Emprego de 2014: 100 de maio de 2015 salário anual médio: 30.910 Mudança de emprego projetada, 201424: Número de novos empregos: 0 Taxa de crescimento: -9 por cento (Declínio) Educação e treinamento: educação de nível básico típico: sem credencial educacional formal. Ocupação relacionada: Menos de 5 anos Treinamento típico no local de trabalho: treinamento on-the-job de curto prazo ONET: 13-1074.00 - Contratantes de trabalho agrícola Especialistas em operações comerciais, todos os outros especialistas em operações comerciais não listados separadamente. Analise dados de crédito e demonstrações financeiras de indivíduos ou empresas para determinar o grau de risco envolvido na extensão de crédito ou empréstimo de dinheiro. Prepare relatórios com informações de crédito para uso na tomada de decisões. Aconselhar e educar indivíduos ou organizações na aquisição e gestão da dívida. Pode fornecer orientação para determinar o melhor tipo de empréstimo e explicar os requisitos ou restrições do empréstimo. Pode ajudar a desenvolver planos de gestão da dívida, aconselhar sobre questões de crédito ou fornecer aconselhamento orçamentário, hipotecário e falência. Prepare declarações fiscais para indivíduos ou pequenas empresas. Exclui contadores e auditores (13-2011). Emprego de 2014: 90.400 maio de 2015 salário médio anual: 36.450 Mudança de emprego projetada, 201424: Número de empregos novos: 1.400 Taxa de crescimento: 2 por cento (mais lento que a média) Educação e treinamento: educação típica de nível de entrada: diploma de ensino médio ou equivalente Em uma ocupação relacionada: Nenhum Treinamento típico no local de trabalho: Treinamento no local de treinamento moderado ONET: 13-2082.00 - Preparadores de impostos Especialistas em finanças, todos os demais Todos os especialistas financeiros não estão listados separadamente. Ocupação informática, todas as demais ocupações de computadores não listadas separadamente. Exclui gerentes de sistemas de informática e de informação (11-3021), engenheiros de informática (17-2061), engenheiros elétricos e eletrônicos (17-2070), professores de informática, pós-secundário (25-1021), artistas multimídia e animadores (27-1014 ), Designers Gráficos (27-1024), Operadores de Computadores (43-9011), e Computer, Automated Teller, e Office Machine Repairs (49-2011). Aplique fórmulas, princípios e metodologia matemática padronizados para problemas tecnológicos em engenharia e ciências físicas em relação a objetivos, processos, equipamentos e produtos industriais e de pesquisa específicos. Profissões de Ciências Matemáticas, todas as demais. Todos os cientistas matemáticos não estão listados separadamente. Todos os engenheiros não estão listados separadamente. Técnicos de engenharia, exceto os redatores, todos os demais Todos os técnicos de engenharia, exceto os redatores, não listados separadamente. Cientistas biológicos, todos os outros cientistas biológicos não listados separadamente. Todos os cientistas da vida não estão listados separadamente. Os cientistas físicos, todos os outros cientistas físicos não estão listados separadamente. Cientistas sociais e trabalhadores relacionados, todos os outros cientistas sociais e trabalhadores relacionados não listados separadamente. Assistentes de pesquisa em ciências sociais Assistem cientistas sociais em laboratório, pesquisa e outras pesquisas de ciências sociais. Pode ajudar a preparar conclusões para publicação e auxiliar na análise laboratorial, controle de qualidade ou gerenciamento de dados. Exclui assistentes de ensino pós-graduação (25-1191). Técnicos de floresta e conservação Fornecer assistência técnica em matéria de conservação de solo, água, florestas ou recursos naturais relacionados. Pode compilar dados relativos ao tamanho, conteúdo, condição e outras características dos trilhos florestais, sob a direção de foresters ou treinar e liderar os trabalhadores florestais na propagação da floresta, prevenção e supressão de fogo. Pode ajudar os cientistas da conservação na gestão, melhoria e proteção de pastagens e habitats de vida selvagem. Exclui os cientistas de conservação (19-1031) e Foresters (19-1032). Técnicos de vida, físicos e de ciências sociais, todos os demais técnicos de vida, física e social não listados separadamente. Todos os conselheiros não estão listados separadamente. Especialistas em serviços comunitários e sociais, todos os outros especialistas da comunidade e serviços sociais não listados separadamente. Conduct religious worship and perform other spiritual functions associated with beliefs and practices of religious faith or denomination. Provide spiritual and moral guidance and assistance to members. 2014 employment: 244,200 May 2015 median annual wage: 44,250 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 13,800 Growth rate: 6 percent (As fast as average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: Bachelors degree Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 21-2011.00 - Clergy Directors, religious activities and education Plan, direct, or coordinate programs designed to promote the religious education or activities of a denominational group. May provide counseling and guidance relative to marital, health, financial, and religious problems. Religious workers, all other All religious workers not listed separately. Assist judges in court or by conducting research or preparing legal documents. Excludes Lawyers (23-1011) and Paralegals and Legal Assistants (23-2011). Title examiners, abstractors, and searchers Search real estate records, examine titles, or summarize pertinent legal or insurance documents or details for a variety of purposes. May compile lists of mortgages, contracts, and other instruments pertaining to titles by searching public and private records for law firms, real estate agencies, or title insurance companies. 2014 employment: 71,100 May 2015 median annual wage: 44,370 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: -200 Growth rate: 0 percent (Little or no change) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 23-2093.00 - Title Examiners, Abstractors, and Searchers Legal support workers, all other All legal support workers not listed separately. 2014 employment: 52,600 May 2015 median annual wage: 53,920 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: -200 Growth rate: 0 percent (Little or no change) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 23-2099.00 - Legal Support Workers, All Other Graduate teaching assistants Assist faculty or other instructional staff in postsecondary institutions by performing teaching or teaching-related duties, such as teaching lower level courses, developing teaching materials, preparing and giving examinations, and grading examinations or papers. Graduate teaching assistants must be enrolled in a graduate school program. Graduate assistants who primarily perform non-teaching duties, such as research, should be reported in the occupational category related to the work performed. Excludes Teacher Assistants (25-9041). Home economics teachers, postsecondary Teach courses in childcare, family relations, finance, nutrition, and related subjects pertaining to home management. Includes both teachers primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and research. Recreation and fitness studies teachers, postsecondary Teach courses pertaining to recreation, leisure, and fitness studies, including exercise physiology and facilities management. Includes both teachers primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and research. Postsecondary teachers, all other All postsecondary teachers not listed separately. Special education teachers, all other All special education teachers not listed separately. Self-enrichment education teachers Teach or instruct courses other than those that normally lead to an occupational objective or degree. Courses may include self-improvement, nonvocational, and nonacademic subjects. Teaching may or may not take place in a traditional educational institution. Excludes Fitness Trainers and Aerobics Instructors (39-9031). Flight instructors are included with Aircraft Pilots and Flight Engineers (53-2010). 2014 employment: 348,700 May 2015 median annual wage: 36,680 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 53,500 Growth rate: 15 percent (Much faster than average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: Less than 5 years Typical on-the-job training: None ONET: 25-3021.00 - Self-Enrichment Education Teachers Teachers and instructors, all other All teachers and instructors not listed separately. Audio-visual and multimedia collections specialists Prepare, plan, and operate multimedia teaching aids for use in education. May record, catalogue, and file materials. Farm and home management advisors Advise, instruct, and assist individuals and families engaged in agriculture, agricultural-related processes, or home economics activities. Demonstrate procedures and apply research findings to solve problems and instruct and train in product development, sales, and the use of machinery and equipment to promote general welfare. Includes county agricultural agents, feed and farm management advisers, home economists, and extension service advisors. Education, training, and library workers, all other All education, training, and library workers not listed separately. Merchandise displayers and window trimmers Plan and erect commercial displays, such as those in windows and interiors of retail stores and at trade exhibitions. 2014 employment: 120,800 May 2015 median annual wage: 26,870 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 3,300 Growth rate: 3 percent (Slower than average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 27-1026.00 - Merchandise Displayers and Window Trimmers Design special exhibits and movie, television, and theater sets. May study scripts, confer with directors, and conduct research to determine appropriate architectural styles. All designers not listed separately. Entertainers and performers, sports and related workers, all other All entertainers and performers, sports and related workers not listed separately. Media and communication workers, all other All media and communication workers not listed separately. 2014 employment: 33,500 May 2015 median annual wage: 45,220 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 3,500 Growth rate: 10 percent (Faster than average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 27-3099.00 - Media and Communication Workers, All Other Receive and transmit communications using radiotelephone equipment in accordance with government regulations. May repair equipment. Excludes Radio, Cellular, and Tower Equipment Installers and Repairs (49-2021). 2014 employment: 1,200 May 2015 median annual wage: 50,040 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 0 Growth rate: -1 percent (Little or no change) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 27-4013.00 - Radio Operators Media and communication equipment workers, all other All media and communication equipment workers not listed separately. All therapists not listed separately. Health diagnosing and treating practitioners, all other All health diagnosing and treating practitioners not listed separately. Assist in the provision of food service and nutritional programs, under the supervision of a dietitian. May plan and produce meals based on established guidelines, teach principles of food and nutrition, or counsel individuals. Respiratory therapy technicians Provide respiratory care under the direction of respiratory therapists and physicians. Ophthalmic medical technicians Assist ophthalmologists by performing ophthalmic clinical functions. May administer eye exams, administer eye medications, and instruct the patient in care and use of corrective lenses. 2014 employment: 37,000 May 2015 median annual wage: 35,350 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 9,100 Growth rate: 25 percent (Much faster than average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: Postsecondary nondegree award Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: None ONET: 29-2057.00 - Ophthalmic Medical Technicians Select and fit hearing aids for customers. Administer and interpret tests of hearing. Assess hearing instrument efficacy. Take ear impressions and prepare, design, and modify ear molds. Excludes Audiologists (29-1181). 2014 employment: 5,900 May 2015 median annual wage: 49,600 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 1,600 Growth rate: 27 percent (Much faster than average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: None ONET: 29-2092.00 - Hearing Aid Specialists Health technologists and technicians, all other All health technologists and technicians not listed separately. Healthcare practitioners and technical workers, all other All healthcare practitioners and technical workers not listed separately. Medical equipment preparers Prepare, sterilize, install, or clean laboratory or healthcare equipment. May perform routine laboratory tasks and operate or inspect equipment. 2014 employment: 52,000 May 2015 median annual wage: 33,330 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 7,300 Growth rate: 14 percent (Much faster than average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 31-9093.00 - Medical Equipment Preparers Record drugs delivered to the pharmacy, store incoming merchandise, and inform the supervisor of stock needs. May operate cash register and accept prescriptions for filling. 2014 employment: 41,500 May 2015 median annual wage: 24,450 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 100 Growth rate: 0 percent (Little or no change) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 31-9095.00 - Pharmacy Aides Healthcare support workers, all other All healthcare support workers not listed separately First-line supervisors of correctional officers Directly supervise and coordinate activities of correctional officers and jailers. 2014 employment: 47,600 May 2015 median annual wage: 59,720 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 1,500 Growth rate: 3 percent (Slower than average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: Less than 5 years Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 33-1011.00 - First-Line Supervisors of Correctional Officers First-line supervisors of police and detectives Directly supervise and coordinate activities of members of police force. 2014 employment: 108,100 May 2015 median annual wage: 82,090 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 4,500 Growth rate: 4 percent (Slower than average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: Less than 5 years Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 33-1012.00 - First-Line Supervisors of Police and Detectives First-line supervisors of fire fighting and prevention workers Directly supervise and coordinate activities of workers engaged in fire fighting and fire prevention and control. First-line supervisors of protective service workers, all other All protective service supervisors not listed separately above. Parking enforcement workers Patrol assigned area, such as public parking lot or city streets to issue tickets to overtime parking violators and illegally parked vehicles. 2014 employment: 9,400 May 2015 median annual wage: 36,530 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: -2,000 Growth rate: -21 percent (Decline) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 33-3041.00 - Parking Enforcement Workers Handle animals for the purpose of investigations of mistreatment, or control of abandoned, dangerous, or unattended animals. 2014 employment: 15,000 May 2015 median annual wage: 33,450 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 900 Growth rate: 6 percent (As fast as average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 33-9011.00 - Animal Control Workers Guide or control vehicular or pedestrian traffic at such places as streets, schools, railroad crossings, or construction sites. 2014 employment: 69,800 May 2015 median annual wage: 25,100 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 4,500 Growth rate: 6 percent (As fast as average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: No formal educational credential Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 33-9091.00 - Crossing Guards Lifeguards, ski patrol, and other recreational protective service workers Monitor recreational areas, such as pools, beaches, or ski slopes to provide assistance and protection to participants. Transportation security screeners Conduct screening of passengers, baggage, or cargo to ensure compliance with Transportation Security Administration (TSA) regulations. May operate basic security equipment such as x-ray machines and hand wands at screening checkpoints. 2014 employment: 46,600 May 2015 median annual wage: 39,310 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: -4,200 Growth rate: -9 percent (Decline) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 33-9093.00 - Transportation Security Screeners Protective service workers, all other All protective service workers not listed separately. First-line supervisors of food preparation and serving workers Directly supervise and coordinate activities of workers engaged in preparing and serving food. Clean dishes, kitchen, food preparation equipment, or utensils. 2014 employment: 507,400 May 2015 median annual wage: 19,340 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: -19,500 Growth rate: -4 percent (Decline) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: No formal educational credential Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 35-9021.00 - Dishwashers First-line supervisors of housekeeping and janitorial workers Directly supervise and coordinate work activities of cleaning personnel in hotels, hospitals, offices, and other establishments. First-line supervisors of landscaping, lawn service, and groundskeeping workers Directly supervise and coordinate activities of workers engaged in landscaping or groundskeeping activities. Work may involve reviewing contracts to ascertain service, machine, and workforce requirements answering inquiries from potential customers regarding methods, material, and price ranges and preparing estimates according to labor, material, and machine costs. Maids and housekeeping cleaners Perform any combination of light cleaning duties to maintain private households or commercial establishments, such as hotels and hospitals, in a clean and orderly manner. Duties may include making beds, replenishing linens, cleaning rooms and halls, and vacuuming. 2014 employment: 1,457,700 May 2015 median annual wage: 20,740 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 111,700 Growth rate: 8 percent (As fast as average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: No formal educational credential Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 37-2012.00 - Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners Building cleaning workers, all other All building cleaning workers not listed separately. 2014 employment: 16,900 May 2015 median annual wage: 29,250 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 800 Growth rate: 5 percent (As fast as average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: No formal educational credential Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 37-2019.00 - Building Cleaning Workers, All Other First-line supervisors of personal service workers Directly supervise and coordinate activities of personal service workers, such as flight attendants, hairdressers, or caddies. Motion picture projectionists Set up and operate motion picture projection and related sound reproduction equipment. 2014 employment: 6,700 May 2015 median annual wage: 21,490 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: -1,200 Growth rate: -18 percent (Decline) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: No formal educational credential Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 39-3021.00 - Motion Picture Projectionists Ushers, lobby attendants, and ticket takers Assist patrons at entertainment events by performing duties, such as collecting admission tickets and passes from patrons, assisting in finding seats, searching for lost articles, and locating such facilities as rest rooms and telephones. 2014 employment: 113,900 May 2015 median annual wage: 19,180 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 6,100 Growth rate: 5 percent (As fast as average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: No formal educational credential Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 39-3031.00 - Ushers, Lobby Attendants, and Ticket Takers Amusement and recreation attendants Perform a variety of attending duties at amusement or recreation facility. May schedule use of recreation facilities, maintain and provide equipment to participants of sporting events or recreational pursuits, or operate amusement concessions and rides. 2014 employment: 288,600 May 2015 median annual wage: 19,280 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 22,300 Growth rate: 8 percent (As fast as average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: No formal educational credential Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 39-3091.00 - Amusement and Recreation Attendants Select, fit, and take care of costumes for cast members, and aid entertainers. May assist with multiple costume changes during performances. 2014 employment: 6,200 May 2015 median annual wage: 44,500 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 500 Growth rate: 9 percent (Faster than average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 39-3092.00 - Costume Attendants Locker room, coatroom, and dressing room attendants Provide personal items to patrons or customers in locker rooms, dressing rooms, or coatrooms. 2014 employment: 18,600 May 2015 median annual wage: 21,020 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 900 Growth rate: 5 percent (As fast as average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 39-3093.00 - Locker Room, Coatroom, and Dressing Room Attendants Entertainment attendants and related workers, all other All entertainment attendants and related workers not listed separately. 2014 employment: 16,900 May 2015 median annual wage: 22,720 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 2,900 Growth rate: 17 percent (Much faster than average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 39-3099.00 - Entertainment Attendants and Related Workers, All Other Prepare bodies for interment in conformity with legal requirements. 2014 employment: 3,800 May 2015 median annual wage: 40,410 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: -200 Growth rate: -6 percent (Decline) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: Postsecondary nondegree award Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 39-4011.00 - Embalmers Perform a variety of tasks during funeral, such as placing casket in parlor or chapel prior to service arranging floral offerings or lights around casket directing or escorting mourners closing casket and issuing and storing funeral equipment. 2014 employment: 36,100 May 2015 median annual wage: 23,770 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: -400 Growth rate: -1 percent (Little or no change) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 39-4021.00 - Funeral Attendants Makeup artists, theatrical and performance Apply makeup to performers to reflect period, setting, and situation of their role. Shampoo and rinse customers hair. 2014 employment: 23,800 May 2015 median annual wage: 19,290 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 2,500 Growth rate: 10 percent (Faster than average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: No formal educational credential Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 39-5093.00 - Shampooers Baggage porters and bellhops Handle baggage for travelers at transportation terminals or for guests at hotels or similar establishments. 2014 employment: 43,600 May 2015 median annual wage: 21,160 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 3,500 Growth rate: 8 percent (As fast as average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 39-6011.00 - Baggage Porters and Bellhops Assist patrons at hotel, apartment, or office building with personal services. May take messages, arrange or give advice on transportation, business services or entertainment, or monitor guest requests for housekeeping and maintenance. 2014 employment: 31,200 May 2015 median annual wage: 29,030 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 3,300 Growth rate: 10 percent (Faster than average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 39-6012.00 - Concierges Escort individuals or groups on sightseeing tours or through places of interest, such as industrial establishments, public buildings, and art galleries. 2014 employment: 43,500 May 2015 median annual wage: 24,100 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 2,200 Growth rate: 5 percent (As fast as average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 39-7011.00 - Tour Guides and Escorts Plan, organize, and conduct long distance travel. tours, and expeditions for individuals and groups. 2014 employment: 3,900 May 2015 median annual wage: 34,180 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 0 Growth rate: 0 percent (Little or no change) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 39-7012.00 - Travel Guides Coordinate activities in resident facilities in secondary and college dormitories, group homes, or similar establishments. Order supplies and determine need for maintenance, repairs, and furnishings. May maintain household records and assign rooms. May assist residents with problem solving or refer them to counseling resources. 2014 employment: 103,700 May 2015 median annual wage: 24,990 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 14,100 Growth rate: 14 percent (Much faster than average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 39-9041.00 - Residential Advisors Personal care and service workers, all other All personal care and service workers not listed separately. 2014 employment: 93,200 May 2015 median annual wage: 22,310 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 5,900 Growth rate: 6 percent (As fast as average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 39-9099.00 - Personal Care and Service Workers, All Other First-line supervisors of retail sales workers Directly supervise and coordinate activities of retail sales workers in an establishment or department. Duties may include management functions, such as purchasing, budgeting, accounting, and personnel work, in addition to supervisory duties. 2014 employment: 1,537,800 May 2015 median annual wage: 38,310 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 67,600 Growth rate: 4 percent (Slower than average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: Less than 5 years Typical on-the-job training: None ONET: 41-1011.00 - First-Line Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers First-line supervisors of non-retail sales workers Directly supervise and coordinate activities of sales workers other than retail sales workers. May perform duties, such as budgeting, accounting, and personnel work, in addition to supervisory duties. Gaming change persons and booth cashiers Exchange coins, tokens and chips for patrons money. May issue payoffs and obtain customers signature on receipt. May operate a booth in the slot machine area and furnish change persons with money bank at the start of the shift, or count and audit money in drawers. Excludes Cashiers (41-2011). Receive orders, generally in person, for repairs, rentals, and services. May describe available options, compute cost, and accept payment. Excludes Counter Attendants, Cafeteria, Food Concession, and Coffee Shop (35-3022), Hotel, Motel, and Resort Desk Clerks (43-4081), Order Clerks (43-4151), and Reservation and Transportation Ticket Agents and Travel Clerks (43-4181). 2014 employment: 442,100 May 2015 median annual wage: 24,440 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 16,300 Growth rate: 4 percent (Slower than average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: No formal educational credential Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 41-2021.00 - Counter and Rental Clerks Sales representatives, services, all other All services sales representatives not listed separately. Demonstrators and product promoters Demonstrate merchandise and answer questions for the purpose of creating public interest in buying the product. May sell demonstrated merchandise. 2014 employment: 93,000 May 2015 median annual wage: 24,940 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 8,200 Growth rate: 9 percent (Faster than average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 41-9011.00 - Demonstrators and Product Promoters Solicit donations or orders for goods or services over the telephone. 2014 employment: 237,900 May 2015 median annual wage: 23,530 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: -7,200 Growth rate: -3 percent (Decline) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: No formal educational credential Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 41-9041.00 - Telemarketers Door-to-door sales workers, news and street vendors, and related workers Sell goods or services door-to-door or on the street. Sales and related workers, all other All sales and related workers not listed separately. First-line supervisors of office and administrative support workers Directly supervise and coordinate the activities of clerical and administrative support workers. Switchboard operators, including answering service Operate telephone business systems equipment or switchboards to relay incoming, outgoing, and interoffice calls. May supply information to callers and record messages. Provide information by accessing alphabetical, geographical, or other directories. Assist customers with special billing requests, such as charges to a third party and credits or refunds for incorrectly dialed numbers or bad connections. May handle emergency calls and assist children or people with physical disabilities to make telephone calls. 2014 employment: 13,100 May 2015 median annual wage: 35,880 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: -5,500 Growth rate: -42 percent (Decline) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 43-2021.00 - Telephone Operators Communications equipment operators, all other All communications equipment operators not listed separately. 2014 employment: 3,300 May 2015 median annual wage: 40,330 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 200 Growth rate: 6 percent (As fast as average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 43-2099.00 - Communications Equipment Operators, All Other All financial clerks not listed separately. 2014 employment: 38,100 May 2015 median annual wage: 40,080 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 3,400 Growth rate: 9 percent (Faster than average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 43-3099.00 - Financial Clerks, All Other Expedite and route movement of incoming and outgoing cargo and freight shipments in airline, train, and trucking terminals, and shipping docks. Take orders from customers and arrange pickup of freight and cargo for delivery to loading platform. Prepare and examine bills of lading to determine shipping charges and tariffs. Pick up and deliver messages, documents, packages, and other items between offices or departments within an establishment or directly to other business concerns, traveling by foot, bicycle, motorcycle, automobile, or public conveyance. Excludes Light Truck or Delivery Services Drivers (53-3033). 2014 employment: 92,900 May 2015 median annual wage: 27,280 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 4,800 Growth rate: 5 percent (As fast as average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 43-5021.00 - Couriers and Messengers Dispatchers, except police, fire, and ambulance Schedule and dispatch workers, work crews, equipment, or service vehicles for conveyance of materials, freight, or passengers, or for normal installation, service, or emergency repairs rendered outside the place of business. Duties may include using radio, telephone, or computer to transmit assignments and compiling statistics and reports on work progress. 2014 employment: 199,500 May 2015 median annual wage: 37,150 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 8,800 Growth rate: 4 percent (Slower than average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 43-5032.00 - Dispatchers, Except Police, Fire, and Ambulance Read meter and record consumption of electricity, gas, water, or steam. 2014 employment: 37,400 May 2015 median annual wage: 38,510 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: -6,700 Growth rate: -18 percent (Decline) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 43-5041.00 - Meter Readers, Utilities Monitor and control electronic computer and peripheral electronic data processing equipment to process business, scientific, engineering, and other data according to operating instructions. Monitor and respond to operating and error messages. May enter commands at a computer terminal and set controls on computer and peripheral devices. Excludes Computer Occupations (15-1100) and Data Entry Keyers (43-9021). 2014 employment: 61,100 May 2015 median annual wage: 40,420 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: -11,600 Growth rate: -19 percent (Decline) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 43-9011.00 - Computer Operators Operate data entry device, such as keyboard or photo composing perforator. Duties may include verifying data and preparing materials for printing. Excludes Word Processors and Typists (43-9022). 2014 employment: 216,800 May 2015 median annual wage: 29,460 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: -7,900 Growth rate: -4 percent (Decline) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 43-9021.00 - Data Entry Keyers Word processors and typists Use word processor, computer or typewriter to type letters, reports, forms, or other material from rough draft, corrected copy, or voice recording. May perform other clerical duties as assigned. Excludes Data Entry Keyers (43-9021), Secretaries and Administrative Assistants (43-6011 through 43-6014), Court Reporters (23-2091), and Medical Transcriptionists (31-9094). 2014 employment: 90,700 May 2015 median annual wage: 37,610 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: -14,200 Growth rate: -16 percent (Decline) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 43-9022.00 - Word Processors and Typists Mail clerks and mail machine operators, except postal service Prepare incoming and outgoing mail for distribution. Use hand or mail handling machines to time stamp, open, read, sort, and route incoming mail and address, seal, stamp, fold, stuff, and affix postage to outgoing mail or packages. Duties may also include keeping necessary records and completed forms. Office machine operators, except computer Operate one or more of a variety of office machines, such as photocopying, photographic, and duplicating machines, or other office machines. Excludes Computer Operators (43-9011), Mail Clerks and Mail Machine Operators, Except Postal Service (43-9051) and Billing and Posting Clerks (43-3021). Proofreaders and copy markers Read transcript or proof type setup to detect and mark for correction any grammatical, typographical, or compositional errors. Excludes workers whose primary duty is editing copy. Includes proofreaders of Braille. Compile and compute data according to statistical formulas for use in statistical studies. May perform actuarial computations and compile charts and graphs for use by actuaries. Includes actuarial clerks. Office and administrative support workers, all other All office and administrative support workers not listed separately. 2014 employment: 264,500 May 2015 median annual wage: 32,590 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 18,400 Growth rate: 7 percent (As fast as average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 43-9199.00 - Office and Administrative Support Workers, All Other First-line supervisors of farming, fishing, and forestry workers Directly supervise and coordinate the activities of agricultural, forestry, aquacultural, and related workers. Excludes First-Line Supervisors of Landscaping, Lawn Service, and Groundskeeping Workers (37-1012). Inspect agricultural commodities, processing equipment, and facilities, and fish and logging operations, to ensure compliance with regulations and laws governing health, quality, and safety. 2014 employment: 14,200 May 2015 median annual wage: 43,380 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: -100 Growth rate: -1 percent (Little or no change) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: Bachelors degree Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 45-2011.00 - Agricultural Inspectors Graders and sorters, agricultural products Grade, sort, or classify unprocessed food and other agricultural products by size, weight, color, or condition. Excludes Agricultural Inspectors (45-2011). First-line supervisors of construction trades and extraction workers Directly supervise and coordinate activities of construction or extraction workers. Cover interior walls or ceilings of rooms with decorative wallpaper or fabric, or attach advertising posters on surfaces such as walls and billboards. May remove old materials or prepare surfaces to be papered. 2014 employment: 6,400 May 2015 median annual wage: 33,590 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 200 Growth rate: 2 percent (Slower than average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: No formal educational credential Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Long-term on-the-job training ONET: 47-2142.00 - Paperhangers Lay pipe for storm or sanitation sewers, drains, and water mains. Perform any combination of the following tasks: grade trenches or culverts, position pipe, or seal joints. Excludes Welders, Cutters, Solderers, and Brazers (51-4121). 2014 employment: 45,700 May 2015 median annual wage: 37,780 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 5,200 Growth rate: 11 percent (Faster than average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: No formal educational credential Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 47-2151.00 - Pipelayers Plasterers and stucco masons Apply interior or exterior plaster, cement, stucco, or similar materials. May also set ornamental plaster. 2014 employment: 27,000 May 2015 median annual wage: 37,320 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 1,900 Growth rate: 7 percent (As fast as average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: No formal educational credential Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Long-term on-the-job training ONET: 47-2161.00 - Plasterers and Stucco Masons Erect and repair fences and fence gates, using hand and power tools. 2014 employment: 24,400 May 2015 median annual wage: 32,450 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 2,000 Growth rate: 8 percent (As fast as average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: No formal educational credential Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 47-4031.00 - Fence Erectors Highway maintenance workers Maintain highways, municipal and rural roads, airport runways, and rights-of-way. Duties include patching broken or eroded pavement, repairing guard rails, highway markers, and snow fences. May also mow or clear brush from along road or plow snow from roadway. Excludes Tree Trimmers and Pruners (37-3013). 2014 employment: 151,300 May 2015 median annual wage: 36,930 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 7,300 Growth rate: 5 percent (As fast as average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 47-4051.00 - Highway Maintenance Workers Rail-track laying and maintenance equipment operators Lay, repair, and maintain track for standard or narrow-gauge railroad equipment used in regular railroad service or in plant yards, quarries, sand and gravel pits, and mines. Includes ballast cleaning machine operators and railroad bed tamping machine operators. 2014 employment: 15,600 May 2015 median annual wage: 52,830 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 1,500 Growth rate: 9 percent (Faster than average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 47-4061.00 - Rail-Track Laying and Maintenance Equipment Operators Septic tank servicers and sewer pipe cleaners Clean and repair septic tanks, sewer lines, or drains. May patch walls and partitions of tank, replace damaged drain tile, or repair breaks in underground piping. 2014 employment: 24,700 May 2015 median annual wage: 35,370 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 4,000 Growth rate: 16 percent (Much faster than average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: No formal educational credential Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 47-4071.00 - Septic Tank Servicers and Sewer Pipe Cleaners Construction and related workers, all other All construction and related workers not listed separately. Derrick operators, oil and gas Rig derrick equipment and operate pumps to circulate mud through drill hole. 2014 employment: 21,700 May 2015 median annual wage: 47,910 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 2,900 Growth rate: 13 percent (Faster than average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: No formal educational credential Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 47-5011.00 - Derrick Operators, Oil and Gas Rotary drill operators, oil and gas Set up or operate a variety of drills to remove underground oil and gas, or remove core samples for testing during oil and gas exploration. Excludes Earth Drillers, Except Oil and Gas (47-5021). 2014 employment: 27,700 May 2015 median annual wage: 54,310 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 3,500 Growth rate: 13 percent (Faster than average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: No formal educational credential Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 47-5012.00 - Rotary Drill Operators, Oil and Gas Service unit operators, oil, gas, and mining Operate equipment to increase oil flow from producing wells or to remove stuck pipe, casing, tools, or other obstructions from drilling wells. May also perform similar services in mining exploration operations. Includes fishing-tool technicians. 2014 employment: 64,900 May 2015 median annual wage: 45,000 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 4,700 Growth rate: 7 percent (As fast as average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: No formal educational credential Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 47-5013.00 - Service Unit Operators, Oil, Gas, and Mining Earth drillers, except oil and gas Operate a variety of drills such as rotary, churn, and pneumatic to tap sub-surface water and salt deposits, to remove core samples during mineral exploration or soil testing, and to facilitate the use of explosives in mining or construction. May use explosives. Includes horizontal and earth boring machine operators. 2014 employment: 20,000 May 2015 median annual wage: 44,240 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 2,700 Growth rate: 14 percent (Much faster than average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 47-5021.00 - Earth Drillers, Except Oil and Gas Explosives workers, ordnance handling experts, and blasters Place and detonate explosives to demolish structures or to loosen, remove, or displace earth, rock, or other materials. May perform specialized handling, storage, and accounting procedures. Includes seismograph shooters. Excludes Earth Drillers, Except Oil and Gas (47-5021) who may also work with explosives. 2014 employment: 8,100 May 2015 median annual wage: 50,210 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 300 Growth rate: 4 percent (Slower than average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: Less than 5 years Typical on-the-job training: Long-term on-the-job training ONET: 47-5031.00 - Explosives Workers, Ordnance Handling Experts, and Blasters Continuous mining machine operators Operate self-propelled mining machines that rip coal, metal and nonmetal ores, rock, stone, or sand from the mine face and load it onto conveyors or into shuttle cars in a continuous operation. 2014 employment: 12,300 May 2015 median annual wage: 48,620 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: -600 Growth rate: -5 percent (Decline) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: No formal educational credential Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 47-5041.00 - Continuous Mining Machine Operators Mine cutting and channeling machine operators Operate machinery such as longwall shears, plows, and cutting machines to cut or channel along the face or seams of coal mines, stone quarries, or other mining surfaces to facilitate blasting, separating, or removing minerals or materials from mines or from the Earths surface. Includes shale planers. Mining machine operators, all other All mining machine operators not listed separately. 2014 employment: 2,600 May 2015 median annual wage: 48,550 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 0 Growth rate: 0 percent (Little or no change) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 47-5049.00 - Mining Machine Operators, All Other Separate blocks of rough dimension stone from quarry mass using jackhammer and wedges. 2014 employment: 3,700 May 2015 median annual wage: 33,820 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 300 Growth rate: 7 percent (As fast as average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: No formal educational credential Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 47-5051.00 - Rock Splitters, Quarry Operate machinery to install roof support bolts in underground mine. 2014 employment: 6,000 May 2015 median annual wage: 54,950 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: -600 Growth rate: -11 percent (Decline) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 47-5061.00 - Roof Bolters, Mining Assemble or repair oil field equipment using hand and power tools. Perform other tasks as needed. 2014 employment: 76,400 May 2015 median annual wage: 36,510 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 6,300 Growth rate: 8 percent (As fast as average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: No formal educational credential Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 47-5071.00 - Roustabouts, Oil and Gas Help extraction craft workers, such as earth drillers, blasters and explosives workers, derrick operators, and mining machine operators, by performing duties requiring less skill. Duties include supplying equipment or cleaning work area. Apprentice workers are classified with the appropriate skilled construction trade occupation (47-2011 through 47-2231). 2014 employment: 25,800 May 2015 median annual wage: 35,760 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 3,200 Growth rate: 13 percent (Faster than average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 47-5081.00 - Helpers--Extraction Workers Extraction workers, all other All extraction workers not listed separately. 2014 employment: 5,700 May 2015 median annual wage: 44,370 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 700 Growth rate: 12 percent (Faster than average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 47-5099.00 - Extraction Workers, All Other First-line supervisors of mechanics, installers, and repairers Directly supervise and coordinate the activities of mechanics, installers, and repairers. Excludes team or work leaders. Computer, automated teller, and office machine repairers Repair, maintain, or install computers, word processing systems, automated teller machines, and electronic office machines, such as duplicating and fax machines. Radio, cellular, and tower equipment installers and repairs Repair, install or maintain mobile or stationary radio transmitting, broadcasting, and receiving equipment, and two-way radio communications systems used in cellular telecommunications, mobile broadband, ship-to-shore, aircraft-to-ground communications, and radio equipment in service and emergency vehicles. May test and analyze network coverage. Electronic home entertainment equipment installers and repairers Repair, adjust, or install audio or television receivers, stereo systems, camcorders, video systems, or other electronic home entertainment equipment. Security and fire alarm systems installers Install, program, maintain, and repair security and fire alarm wiring and equipment. Ensure that work is in accordance with relevant codes. Excludes Electricians (47-2111) who do a broad range of electrical wiring. 2014 employment: 64,000 May 2015 median annual wage: 43,420 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 8,200 Growth rate: 13 percent (Faster than average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 49-2098.00 - Security and Fire Alarm Systems Installers Repair and service bicycles. 2014 employment: 10,800 May 2015 median annual wage: 27,470 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 2,300 Growth rate: 22 percent (Much faster than average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 49-3091.00 - Bicycle Repairers Recreational vehicle service technicians Diagnose, inspect, adjust, repair, or overhaul recreational vehicles including travel trailers. May specialize in maintaining gas, electrical, hydraulic, plumbing, or chassistowing systems as well as repairing generators, appliances, and interior components. Includes workers who perform customized van conversions. Excludes Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics (49-3023) and Bus and Truck Mechanics and Diesel Engine Specialists (49-3031) who also work on recreation vehicles. 2014 employment: 11,400 May 2015 median annual wage: 35,670 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 400 Growth rate: 3 percent (Slower than average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Long-term on-the-job training ONET: 49-3092.00 - Recreational Vehicle Service Technicians Tire repairers and changers Repair and replace tires. 2014 employment: 105,500 May 2015 median annual wage: 24,220 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 4,300 Growth rate: 4 percent (Slower than average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 49-3093.00 - Tire Repairers and Changers Install, service, or repair automatic door mechanisms and hydraulic doors. Includes garage door mechanics. 2014 employment: 17,400 May 2015 median annual wage: 38,160 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 1,900 Growth rate: 11 percent (Faster than average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 49-9011.00 - Mechanical Door Repairers Control and valve installers and repairers, except mechanical door Install, repair, and maintain mechanical regulating and controlling devices, such as electric meters, gas regulators, thermostats, safety and flow valves, and other mechanical governors. Repair, adjust, or install all types of electric or gas household appliances, such as refrigerators, washers, dryers, and ovens. 2014 employment: 46,400 May 2015 median annual wage: 36,200 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: -1,600 Growth rate: -3 percent (Decline) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 49-9031.00 - Home Appliance Repairers Refractory materials repairers, except brickmasons Build or repair equipment such as furnaces, kilns, cupolas, boilers, converters, ladles, soaking pits and ovens, using refractory materials. 2014 employment: 1,800 May 2015 median annual wage: 47,060 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 0 Growth rate: 1 percent (Little or no change) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 49-9045.00 - Refractory Materials Repairers, Except Brickmasons Camera and photographic equipment repairers Repair and adjust cameras and photographic equipment, including commercial video and motion picture camera equipment. Musical instrument repairers and tuners Repair percussion, stringed, reed, or wind instruments. May specialize in one area, such as piano tuning. Excludes Electronic Home Entertainment Equipment Installers and Repairers (49-2097) who repair electrical and electronic musical instruments. 2014 employment: 8,600 May 2015 median annual wage: 35,660 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 400 Growth rate: 4 percent (Slower than average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Apprenticeship ONET: 49-9063.00 - Musical Instrument Repairers and Tuners Repair, clean, and adjust mechanisms of timing instruments, such as watches and clocks. Includes watchmakers, watch technicians, and mechanical timepiece repairers. 2014 employment: 2,700 May 2015 median annual wage: 34,750 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: -700 Growth rate: -26 percent (Decline) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Long-term on-the-job training ONET: 49-9064.00 - Watch Repairers Precision instrument and equipment repairers, all other All precision instrument and equipment repairers not listed separately. Coin, vending, and amusement machine servicers and repairers Install, service, adjust, or repair coin, vending, or amusement machines including video games, juke boxes, pinball machines, or slot machines. Work below surface of water, using scuba gear to inspect, repair, remove, or install equipment and structures. May use a variety of power and hand tools, such as drills, sledgehammers, torches, and welding equipment. May conduct tests or experiments, rig explosives, or photograph structures or marine life. Excludes Fishers and Related Fishing Workers (45-3011), Athletes and Sports Competitors (27-2021), and Police and Sheriffs Patrol Officers (33-3051). 2014 employment: 4,400 May 2015 median annual wage: 50,470 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 1,600 Growth rate: 37 percent (Much faster than average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: Postsecondary nondegree award Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 49-9092.00 - Commercial Divers Fabric menders, except garment Repair tears, holes, and other defects in fabrics, such as draperies, linens, parachutes, and tents. 2014 employment: 800 May 2015 median annual wage: 24,490 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: -100 Growth rate: -13 percent (Decline) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: No formal educational credential Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Long-term on-the-job training ONET: 49-9093.00 - Fabric Menders, Except Garment Locksmiths and safe repairers Repair and open locks make keys change locks and safe combinations and install and repair safes. 2014 employment: 20,900 May 2015 median annual wage: 39,160 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: -3,100 Growth rate: -15 percent (Decline) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Long-term on-the-job training ONET: 49-9094.00 - Locksmiths and Safe Repairers Manufactured building and mobile home installers Move or install mobile homes or prefabricated buildings. Set up or repair rigging for construction projects, manufacturing plants, logging yards, ships and shipyards, or for the entertainment industry. 2014 employment: 20,800 May 2015 median annual wage: 43,220 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 1,800 Growth rate: 9 percent (Faster than average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 49-9096.00 - Riggers Signal and track switch repairers Install, inspect, test, maintain, or repair electric gate crossings, signals, signal equipment, track switches, section lines, or intercommunications systems within a railroad system. 2014 employment: 9,500 May 2015 median annual wage: 63,840 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 0 Growth rate: 0 percent (Little or no change) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 49-9097.00 - Signal and Track Switch Repairers Helpers--installation, maintenance, and repair workers Help installation, maintenance, and repair workers in maintenance, parts replacement, and repair of vehicles, industrial machinery, and electrical and electronic equipment. Perform duties such as furnishing tools, materials, and supplies to other workers cleaning work area, machines, and tools and holding materials or tools for other workers. 2014 employment: 129,000 May 2015 median annual wage: 26,400 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 12,200 Growth rate: 9 percent (Faster than average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 49-9098.00 - Helpers--Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Workers Installation, maintenance, and repair workers, all other All, installation, maintenance, and repair workers not listed separately. First-line supervisors of production and operating workers Directly supervise and coordinate the activities of production and operating workers, such as inspectors, precision workers, machine setters and operators, assemblers, fabricators, and plant and system operators. Excludes team or work leaders. Meat, poultry, and fish cutters and trimmers Use hand or hand tools to perform routine cutting and trimming of meat, poultry, and seafood. 2014 employment: 152,400 May 2015 median annual wage: 23,870 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: -200 Growth rate: 0 percent (Little or no change) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: No formal educational credential Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 51-3022.00 - Meat, Poultry, and Fish Cutters and Trimmers Slaughterers and meat packers Work in slaughtering, meat packing, or wholesale establishments performing precision functions involving the preparation of meat. Work may include specialized slaughtering tasks, cutting standard or premium cuts of meat for marketing, making sausage, or wrapping meats. Excludes Meat, Poultry, and Fish Cutters and Trimmers (51-3022) who perform routine meat cutting. 2014 employment: 86,400 May 2015 median annual wage: 25,650 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: -500 Growth rate: -1 percent (Little or no change) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: No formal educational credential Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 51-3023.00 - Slaughterers and Meat Packers Layout workers, metal and plastic Lay out reference points and dimensions on metal or plastic stock or workpieces, such as sheets, plates, tubes, structural shapes, castings, or machine parts, for further processing. Includes shipfitters. 2014 employment: 13,400 May 2015 median annual wage: 44,530 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: -2,700 Growth rate: -20 percent (Decline) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 51-4192.00 - Layout Workers, Metal and Plastic Tool grinders, filers, and sharpeners Perform precision smoothing, sharpening, polishing, or grinding of metal objects. 2014 employment: 11,500 May 2015 median annual wage: 35,550 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: -2,000 Growth rate: -18 percent (Decline) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 51-4194.00 - Tool Grinders, Filers, and Sharpeners Metal workers and plastic workers, all other All metal workers and plastic workers not listed separately. Prepress technicians and workers Format and proof text and images submitted by designers and clients into finished pages that can be printed. Includes digital and photo typesetting. May produce printing plates. Set up and operate digital, letterpress, lithographic, flexographic, gravure, or other printing machines. Includes short-run offset printing presses. 2014 employment: 173,000 May 2015 median annual wage: 35,240 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: -21,600 Growth rate: -12 percent (Decline) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 51-5112.00 - Printing Press Operators Print binding and finishing workers Bind books and other publications or finish printed products by hand or machine. May set up binding and finishing machines. 2014 employment: 51,200 May 2015 median annual wage: 30,260 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: -7,000 Growth rate: -14 percent (Decline) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 51-5113.00 - Print Binding and Finishing Workers Laundry and dry-cleaning workers Operate or tend washing or dry-cleaning machines to wash or dry-clean industrial or household articles, such as cloth garments, suede, leather, furs, blankets, draperies, linens, rugs, and carpets. Includes spotters and dyers of these articles. 2014 employment: 208,200 May 2015 median annual wage: 20,820 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 3,700 Growth rate: 2 percent (Slower than average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: No formal educational credential Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 51-6011.00 - Laundry and Dry-Cleaning Workers Pressers, textile, garment, and related materials Press or shape articles by hand or machine. Operate or tend sewing machines to join, reinforce, decorate, or perform related sewing operations in the manufacture of garment or nongarment products. 2014 employment: 153,900 May 2015 median annual wage: 22,550 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: -41,700 Growth rate: -27 percent (Decline) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: No formal educational credential Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 51-6031.00 - Sewing Machine Operators Shoe and leather workers and repairers Construct, decorate, or repair leather and leather-like products, such as luggage, shoes, and saddles. 2014 employment: 9,700 May 2015 median annual wage: 23,630 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: -1,500 Growth rate: -15 percent (Decline) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 51-6041.00 - Shoe and Leather Workers and Repairers Shoe machine operators and tenders Operate or tend a variety of machines to join, decorate, reinforce, or finish shoes and shoe parts. 2014 employment: 3,500 May 2015 median annual wage: 25,190 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: -1,100 Growth rate: -31 percent (Decline) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 51-6042.00 - Shoe Machine Operators and Tenders Sew, join, reinforce, or finish, usually with needle and thread, a variety of manufactured items. Includes weavers and stitchers. Excludes Fabric Menders, Except Garment (49-9093). 2014 employment: 12,000 May 2015 median annual wage: 23,640 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: -1,200 Growth rate: -10 percent (Decline) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: No formal educational credential Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 51-6051.00 - Sewers, Hand Tailors, dressmakers, and custom sewers Design, make, alter, repair, or fit garments. 2014 employment: 40,500 May 2015 median annual wage: 25,830 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: -3,400 Growth rate: -9 percent (Decline) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: No formal educational credential Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 51-6052.00 - Tailors, Dressmakers, and Custom Sewers Textile bleaching and dyeing machine operators and tenders Operate or tend machines to bleach, shrink, wash, dye, or finish textiles or synthetic or glass fibers. Textile cutting machine setters, operators, and tenders Set up, operate, or tend machines that cut textiles. Textile knitting and weaving machine setters, operators, and tenders Set up, operate, or tend machines that knit, loop, weave, or draw in textiles. Excludes Sewing Machine Operators (51-6031). Textile winding, twisting, and drawing out machine setters, operators, and tenders Set up, operate, or tend machines that wind or twist textiles or draw out and combine sliver, such as wool, hemp, or synthetic fibers. Includes slubber machine and drawing frame operators. Extruding and forming machine setters, operators, and tenders, synthetic and glass fibers Set up, operate, or tend machines that extrude and form continuous filaments from synthetic materials, such as liquid polymer, rayon, and fiberglass. Fabric and apparel patternmakers Draw and construct sets of precision master fabric patterns or layouts. May also mark and cut fabrics and apparel. 2014 employment: 5,400 May 2015 median annual wage: 43,900 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: -1,400 Growth rate: -26 percent (Decline) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 51-6092.00 - Fabric and Apparel Patternmakers Make, repair, or replace upholstery for household furniture or transportation vehicles. 2014 employment: 42,200 May 2015 median annual wage: 32,020 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: -1,800 Growth rate: -4 percent (Decline) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 51-6093.00 - Upholsterers Textile, apparel, and furnishings workers, all other All textile, apparel, and furnishings workers not listed separately. Construct full-size and scale wooden precision models of products. Includes wood jig builders and loft workers. 2014 employment: 2,600 May 2015 median annual wage: 33,590 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 0 Growth rate: -1 percent (Little or no change) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 51-7031.00 - Model Makers, Wood Plan, lay out, and construct wooden unit or sectional patterns used in forming sand molds for castings. 2014 employment: 1,800 May 2015 median annual wage: 38,410 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 0 Growth rate: 0 percent (Little or no change) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 51-7032.00 - Patternmakers, Wood All woodworkers not listed separately. 2014 employment: 12,900 May 2015 median annual wage: 28,990 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 0 Growth rate: 0 percent (Little or no change) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 51-7099.00 - Woodworkers, All Other Chemical plant and system operators Control or operate entire chemical processes or system of machines. 2014 employment: 38,100 May 2015 median annual wage: 59,320 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: -3,500 Growth rate: -9 percent (Decline) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Long-term on-the-job training ONET: 51-8091.00 - Chemical Plant and System Operators Distribute or process gas for utility companies and others by controlling compressors to maintain specified pressures on main pipelines. 2014 employment: 16,700 May 2015 median annual wage: 66,010 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: -600 Growth rate: -3 percent (Decline) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Long-term on-the-job training ONET: 51-8092.00 - Gas Plant Operators Petroleum pump system operators, refinery operators, and gaugers Operate or control petroleum refining or processing units. May specialize in controlling manifold and pumping systems, gauging or testing oil in storage tanks, or regulating the flow of oil into pipelines. Plant and system operators, all other All plant and system operators not listed separately. Chemical equipment operators and tenders Operate or tend equipment to control chemical changes or reactions in the processing of industrial or consumer products. Equipment used includes devulcanizers, steam-jacketed kettles, and reactor vessels. Excludes Chemical Plant and System Operators (51-8091). 2014 employment: 66,300 May 2015 median annual wage: 47,220 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: -5,500 Growth rate: -8 percent (Decline) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 51-9011.00 - Chemical Equipment Operators and Tenders Separating, filtering, clarifying, precipitating, and still machine setters, operators, and tenders Set up, operate, or tend continuous flow or vat-type equipment filter presses shaker screens centrifuges condenser tubes precipitating, fermenting, or evaporating tanks scrubbing towers or batch stills. These machines extract, sort, or separate liquids, gases, or solids from other materials to recover a refined product. Includes dairy processing equipment operators. Excludes Chemical Equipment Operators and Tenders (51-9011). Crushing, grinding, and polishing machine setters, operators, and tenders Set up, operate, or tend machines to crush, grind, or polish materials, such as coal, glass, grain, stone, food, or rubber. Grinding and polishing workers, hand Grind, sand, or polish, using hand tools or hand-held power tools, a variety of metal, wood, stone, clay, plastic, or glass objects. Includes chippers, buffers, and finishers. 2014 employment: 29,900 May 2015 median annual wage: 28,610 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: -2,600 Growth rate: -9 percent (Decline) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: No formal educational credential Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 51-9022.00 - Grinding and Polishing Workers, Hand Mixing and blending machine setters, operators, and tenders Set up, operate, or tend machines to mix or blend materials, such as chemicals, tobacco, liquids, color pigments, or explosive ingredients. Excludes Food Batchmakers (51-3092). Use hand tools or hand-held power tools to cut and trim a variety of manufactured items, such as carpet, fabric, stone, glass, or rubber. 2014 employment: 15,800 May 2015 median annual wage: 26,820 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: -2,800 Growth rate: -17 percent (Decline) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: No formal educational credential Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 51-9031.00 - Cutters and Trimmers, Hand Cutting and slicing machine setters, operators, and tenders Set up, operate, or tend machines that cut or slice materials, such as glass, stone, cork, rubber, tobacco, food, paper, or insulating material. Excludes Woodworking Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders (51-7040), Cutting, Punching, and Press Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic (51-4031), and Textile Cutting Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders (51-6062). Extruding, forming, pressing, and compacting machine setters, operators, and tenders Set up, operate, or tend machines, such as glass forming machines, plodder machines, and tuber machines, to shape and form products, such as glassware, food, rubber, soap, brick, tile, clay, wax, tobacco, or cosmetics. Excludes Paper Goods Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders (51-9196) and Shoe Machine Operators and Tenders (51-6042). Furnace, kiln, oven, drier, and kettle operators and tenders Operate or tend heating equipment other than basic metal, plastic, or food processing equipment. Includes activities, such as annealing glass, drying lumber, curing rubber, removing moisture from materials, or boiling soap. Packaging and filling machine operators and tenders Operate or tend machines to prepare industrial or consumer products for storage or shipment. Includes cannery workers who pack food products. 2014 employment: 378,400 May 2015 median annual wage: 27,080 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 3,800 Growth rate: 1 percent (Little or no change) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 51-9111.00 - Packaging and Filling Machine Operators and Tenders Perform any or all of the following functions in the manufacture of electronic semiconductors: load semiconductor material into furnace saw formed ingots into segments load individual segment into crystal growing chamber and monitor controls locate crystal axis in ingot using x-ray equipment and saw ingots into wafers and clean, polish, and load wafers into series of special purpose furnaces, chemical baths, and equipment used to form circuitry and change conductive properties. 2014 employment: 25,300 May 2015 median annual wage: 35,390 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: -2,100 Growth rate: -8 percent (Decline) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: Associates degree Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 51-9141.00 - Semiconductor Processors Photographic process workers and processing machine operators Perform work involved in developing and processing photographic images from film or digital media. May perform precision tasks such as editing photographic negatives and prints. Adhesive bonding machine operators and tenders Operate or tend bonding machines that use adhesives to join items for further processing or to form a completed product. Processes include joining veneer sheets into plywood gluing paper or joining rubber and rubberized fabric parts, plastic, simulated leather, or other materials. Excludes Shoe Machine Operators and Tenders (51-6042). Cleaning, washing, and metal pickling equipment operators and tenders Operate or tend machines to wash or clean products, such as barrels or kegs, glass items, tin plate, food, pulp, coal, plastic, or rubber, to remove impurities. Cooling and freezing equipment operators and tenders Operate or tend equipment, such as cooling and freezing units, refrigerators, batch freezers, and freezing tunnels, to cool or freeze products, food, blood plasma, and chemicals. 2014 employment: 8,800 May 2015 median annual wage: 28,630 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: -100 Growth rate: -1 percent (Little or no change) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 51-9193.00 - Cooling and Freezing Equipment Operators and Tenders Engrave or etch metal, wood, rubber, or other materials. Includes such workers as etcher-circuit processors, pantograph engravers, and silk screen etchers. Photoengravers are included in Prepress Technicians and Workers (51-5111). 2014 employment: 9,700 May 2015 median annual wage: 29,810 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: -300 Growth rate: -3 percent (Decline) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 51-9194.00 - Etchers and Engravers Molders, shapers, and casters, except metal and plastic Mold, shape, form, cast, or carve products such as food products, figurines, tile, pipes, and candles consisting of clay, glass, plaster, concrete, stone, or combinations of materials. Paper goods machine setters, operators, and tenders Set up, operate, or tend paper goods machines that perform a variety of functions, such as converting, sawing, corrugating, banding, wrapping, boxing, stitching, forming, or sealing paper or paperboard sheets into products. Operate machines to build tires. 2014 employment: 18,100 May 2015 median annual wage: 39,120 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: -2,500 Growth rate: -14 percent (Decline) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 51-9197.00 - Tire Builders Help production workers by performing duties requiring less skill. Duties include supplying or holding materials or tools, and cleaning work area and equipment. Apprentice workers are classified in the appropriate production occupations (51-0000). 2014 employment: 419,200 May 2015 median annual wage: 23,960 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: -16,100 Growth rate: -4 percent (Decline) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: No formal educational credential Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 51-9198.00 - Helpers--Production Workers Production workers, all other All production workers not listed separately. Aircraft cargo handling supervisors Supervise and coordinate the activities of ground crew in the loading, unloading, securing, and staging of aircraft cargo or baggage. May determine the quantity and orientation of cargo and compute aircraft center of gravity. May accompany aircraft as member of flight crew and monitor and handle cargo in flight, and assist and brief passengers on safety and emergency procedures. Includes loadmasters. 2014 employment: 5,800 May 2015 median annual wage: 45,470 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 0 Growth rate: 0 percent (Little or no change) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: Less than 5 years Typical on-the-job training: None ONET: 53-1011.00 - Aircraft Cargo Handling Supervisors First-line supervisors of helpers, laborers, and material movers, hand Directly supervise and coordinate the activities of helpers, laborers, or material movers. First-line supervisors of transportation and material-moving machine and vehicle operators Directly supervise and coordinate activities of transportation and material-moving machine and vehicle operators and helpers. Airfield operations specialists Ensure the safe takeoff and landing of commercial and military aircraft. Duties include coordination between air-traffic control and maintenance personnel dispatching using airfield landing and navigational aids implementing airfield safety procedures monitoring and maintaining flight records and applying knowledge of weather information. 2014 employment: 7,200 May 2015 median annual wage: 51,880 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 300 Growth rate: 4 percent (Slower than average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Long-term on-the-job training ONET: 53-2022.00 - Airfield Operations Specialists Ambulance drivers and attendants, except emergency medical technicians Drive ambulance or assist ambulance driver in transporting sick, injured, or convalescent persons. Assist in lifting patients. Motor vehicle operators, all other All motor vehicle operators not listed separately. 2014 employment: 62,000 May 2015 median annual wage: 29,230 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 5,300 Growth rate: 9 percent (Faster than average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: No formal educational credential Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 53-3099.00 - Motor Vehicle Operators, All Other Subway and streetcar operators Operate subway or elevated suburban trains with no separate locomotive, or electric-powered streetcar, to transport passengers. May handle fares. 2014 employment: 12,000 May 2015 median annual wage: 62,360 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 600 Growth rate: 5 percent (As fast as average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 53-4041.00 - Subway and Streetcar Operators Rail transportation workers, all other All rail transportation workers not listed separately. 2014 employment: 3,800 May 2015 median annual wage: 59,840 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 0 Growth rate: 1 percent (Little or no change) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 53-4099.00 - Rail Transportation Workers, All Other Operate and tend bridges, canal locks, and lighthouses to permit marine passage on inland waterways, near shores, and at danger points in waterway passages. May supervise such operations. Includes drawbridge operators, lock operators, and slip bridge operators. 2014 employment: 3,500 May 2015 median annual wage: 48,520 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 0 Growth rate: -1 percent (Little or no change) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 53-6011.00 - Bridge and Lock Tenders Park vehicles or issue tickets for customers in a parking lot or garage. May collect fee. 2014 employment: 135,600 May 2015 median annual wage: 20,630 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 5,800 Growth rate: 4 percent (Slower than average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: No formal educational credential Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 53-6021.00 - Parking Lot Attendants Automotive and watercraft service attendants Service automobiles, buses, trucks, boats, and other automotive or marine vehicles with fuel, lubricants, and accessories. Collect payment for services and supplies. May lubricate vehicle, change motor oil, install antifreeze, or replace lights or other accessories, such as windshield wiper blades or fan belts. May repair or replace tires. 2014 employment: 105,800 May 2015 median annual wage: 21,560 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 11,700 Growth rate: 11 percent (Faster than average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: No formal educational credential Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 53-6031.00 - Automotive and Watercraft Service Attendants Conduct field studies to determine traffic volume, speed, effectiveness of signals, adequacy of lighting, and other factors influencing traffic conditions, under direction of traffic engineer. 2014 employment: 6,800 May 2015 median annual wage: 43,930 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 400 Growth rate: 6 percent (As fast as average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 53-6041.00 - Traffic Technicians Inspect equipment or goods in connection with the safe transport of cargo or people. Includes rail transportation inspectors, such as freight inspectors rail inspectors and other inspectors of transportation vehicles, not elsewhere classified. Excludes Transportation Security Screeners (33-9093). Transportation attendants, except flight attendants Provide services to ensure the safety and comfort of passengers aboard ships, buses, trains, or within the station or terminal. Perform duties such as greeting passengers, explaining the use of safety equipment, serving meals or beverages, or answering questions related to travel. Excludes Baggage Porters and Bellhops (39-6011). 2014 employment: 16,500 May 2015 median annual wage: 25,930 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 1,000 Growth rate: 6 percent (As fast as average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 53-6061.00 - Transportation Attendants, Except Flight Attendants Transportation workers, all other All transportation workers not listed separately. 2014 employment: 40,200 May 2015 median annual wage: 36,890 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 1,300 Growth rate: 3 percent (Slower than average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 53-6099.00 - Transportation Workers, All Other Gas compressor and gas pumping station operators Operate steam, gas, electric motor, or internal combustion engine driven compressors. Transmit, compress, or recover gases, such as butane, nitrogen, hydrogen, and natural gas. 2014 employment: 5,100 May 2015 median annual wage: 58,350 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 200 Growth rate: 3 percent (Slower than average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 53-7071.00 - Gas Compressor and Gas Pumping Station Operators Pump operators, except wellhead pumpers Tend, control, or operate power-driven, stationary, or portable pumps and manifold systems to transfer gases, oil, other liquids, slurries, or powdered materials to and from various vessels and processes. 2014 employment: 13,100 May 2015 median annual wage: 42,420 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 1,100 Growth rate: 8 percent (As fast as average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 53-7072.00 - Pump Operators, Except Wellhead Pumpers Operate power pumps and auxiliary equipment to produce flow of oil or gas from wells in oil field. 2014 employment: 13,900 May 2015 median annual wage: 46,990 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 1,800 Growth rate: 13 percent (Faster than average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent Work experience in a related occupation: Less than 5 years Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training ONET: 53-7073.00 - Wellhead Pumpers Mine shuttle car operators Operate diesel or electric-powered shuttle car in underground mine to transport materials from working face to mine cars or conveyor. 2014 employment: 2,700 May 2015 median annual wage: 55,320 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: -100 Growth rate: -2 percent (Decline) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: No formal educational credential Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 53-7111.00 - Mine Shuttle Car Operators Tank car, truck, and ship loaders Load and unload chemicals and bulk solids, such as coal, sand, and grain into or from tank cars, trucks, or ships using material moving equipment. May perform a variety of other tasks relating to shipment of products. May gauge or sample shipping tanks and test them for leaks. 2014 employment: 13,000 May 2015 median annual wage: 36,660 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 500 Growth rate: 4 percent (Slower than average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: No formal educational credential Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 53-7121.00 - Tank Car, Truck, and Ship Loaders Material moving workers, all other All material moving workers not listed separately. 2014 employment: 23,600 May 2015 median annual wage: 30,360 Projected employment change, 201424: Number of new jobs: 1,000 Growth rate: 4 percent (Slower than average) Education and training: Typical entry-level education: No formal educational credential Work experience in a related occupation: None Typical on-the-job training: Short-term on-the-job training ONET: 53-7199.00 - Material Moving Workers, All Other Suggested citation: Bureau of Labor Statistics, U. S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2016-17 Edition. Data for Occupations Not Covered in Detail, on the Internet at bls. govoohaboutdata-for-occupations-not-covered-in-detail. htm (visited January 10, 2017 ). Publish Date: Thursday, December 17, 2015 Recommend this page using: Facebook Twitter

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